Old School® Miami Vice is a series of airsoft games encouraging players to dust off their springers, shotguns and pistols. A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the
Wildlife Conservation Society. Players will receive a complimentary raffle ticket with prizes donated by
Evike.com. All pre-paid players will receive a free gift.
Flea Market & Gearbox Workshop Bring your new and old gear to sell or trade. In the heat of the afternoon we'll be clearing the staging tables for an airsoft Flea Market and gearbox workshop. Bring your tools and parts and learn how to open up and work on your gearbox with help from air techs and gear heads.
DATE August 17, 2013
LOCATION C&C Airsoft 50 Lackawanna Drive
Stanhope, NJ 07874
ADMISSION ADMISSIONPlayers that wish to pay at the field must still pre-register to be placed on the roster. The first 24 players who register get a free
ICS baseball cap. Players may pre-pay at a discount via PayPal on Ticketbud:
- $20 Early Bird Rate (Exp. 7/1/13)
- $25 Regular Pre-Paid Rate (Exp. 8/15/13)
- $30 Field Payment (registration required)
- $5 Sellers Fee for sellers (free to registered to players)
- FREE Flea Market shopper (non-players)
FLEA MARKET Paid players get priority in reserving tables to vend items. Non-playing sellers may arrive after 3pm set up on any empty table. Sellers may not use more than 1/2 of a table. Unless sharing with another seller. EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS • 400fps/0.25g limit for full-auto capable weapons
• 500fps/0.25g limit for fixed semi-only weapons
• Springers, shotguns and bolt-action rifles: No mag restrictions
• GBB pistols and GBB rifles: No mag restrictions
• AEGs: 1 midcap only – No hicaps or box mags
Read here for full requirements...
http://www.nycairsoft.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=64&t=2277 REGISTRATION No Walk-ons. Please post a request to attend at the NYCAirsoft.com forum: