We have a strict zero tolerance policy when it comes to unsafe or illegal actions. Breaking a zero tolerance rule will have you banned from future events and in most cases, will result in local law enforcement being called.
• Illegal drugs of any kind
• Alcohol consumption before or during games/events
• Theft
• Brandishing airsoft weapons in public
• Damage to the field (graffiti, littering, etc)
• Aggressive physical contact with another player
• Disrespect of any kind towards other players, field/event staff.
Eye Protection
Should your goggles not meet the below standards, you will not be able to play:
• Adults (18 and over): Full-face protection is recommended but not required.
• Minors (17 and under): Full-face protection is required.
• Full-Seal goggles only. No shooting glasses, shop glasses, etc. A “Full Seal” consists of a rubber or foam seal that conforms to the features of the player’s face.
• ANSI Z87.1 Rated lenses OR stamped steel mesh, 20 gauge or thicker.
• “Full Face Protection” is defined as a rigid metal or plastic mask which covers both cheeks, chin, nose and mouth.
• Game control reserves the right to:
1. Inspect players eye & face protection at will.
2. Ask for photo ID as proof of age.
Weapon Safety
• Treat every weapon as if it were loaded.
• Do not point a replica at anything you don’t intend to shoot.
• Do not discharge a replica in any location other than designated shooting areas (ie: On-Field, Chrono Station, Shooting Range, etc)
• Keep your finger OFF the trigger & trigger guard until you are On-Field, ready to shoot.
Safe Zone
• Safe Zone locations are defined as areas that are NOT in-play (ie: Regens, The Booth, Cars, Restrooms, etc.)
• No magazines in pistols, AEGs or Rifles.
• Weapon safety on ALL pistols, AEGs and Rifles are ON.
• Pistols must be holstered.
• AEG & Rifles being carried must be pointed at the ground at all times.
• Shooting inside a Safe Zone is strictly forbidden.
• On-Field locations are defined as areas that are considered in-play.
• Forbidden: Blind Fire – Shooting without the ability to see what you are shooting at. The most common form is this is sticking your gun over or around cover and firing without looking at where you are shooting.
• Forbidden: Hosing – Unnecessarily long sustained bursts of more than 15-20 rounds at a time. Even for support weapons this is not allowed. Short controlled bursts should be used to allow opponents to call themselves out.
• Magazines must be removed, weapons cleared and then placed on “safe” before entering a Safe Zone.
Dead Rags
A Dead Rag or Red Rag is any cloth material no smaller than 10-inches by 10-inches in size. Red Rags symbolize that a player is not in play and is to be treated as if they are not alive. Once a player is out of play (hit, observing, etc), they are to immediately secure a Red Rag on their head to symbolize that they are not a target/objective.
Please observe the follow rules of conduct for hits:
• DO NOT call players out on the opposite team. This is very important as this can cause unnecessary disagreements between players. Call your own hits, not other's.
• Hits are defined as any BB strike on your person or gear.
• If two players fire simultaneously and both are hit, BOTH players are out.
• Gun hits to the barrel of the gun DO NOT count.
• Gun hits to the body of the gun DO NOT count.
• Ricochets through brush count as a hit (in order to simulate bullets making their way through).
• Ricochets off rocks (or other hard cover) count as a hit.
• Ricochets off rocks (or other hard cover) fired from a shower grenade, claymore, mine, or other booby trap count as a hit.
• When hit, immediately call out ‘Hit!’ as loud as you can and place your red rag in a visible area. This will prevent you from being hit a second time.
• If you see a player get hit on your team, but he does not seem to feel it, let him/her know.
• Dead men do not talk. Please do not give away positions.
• Observe the regeneration rules for the mission.
Minimum Engagement Distance
• Pistol: 10 feet
• Automatic AEG: 20 feet
• Sniper Rifle: 50 feet
FPS Limits
Individual field locations may use the bb weight of their choosing to chronograph by.
It is recommended that fields use 0.25 gram bbs to chronograph for increased accuracy.
• Pistols, Shotguns & AEGs: 1.5 Joules
— 6mm: 450fps w/0.20g, 410fps w/0.25g
— 8mm: 360fps w/0.34g, 350fps w/0.36g
• Semi-Auto Rifles: 2.3 Joules
— 6mm: 500fps w/0.20g, 450 w/0.25g
— 8mm: 380fps w/0.34g, 370 w/0.36g
Indoor rules, vary by location.
Rockets, Mines & Grenades
• Defined as: Zocker Darts or Nerf Vortex Footballs most CAA events DO NOT use these.
• If you'd like to use this, please clear it with a field admin BEFORE the event begins.
Hand Grenades
• Defined as: Commercially produced Rubber, foam or gas grenades designed for field use.
• NO: BB Carriers, pinecones, rocks, or de-milled grenades.
• 15′ kill radius from where the grenade comes to rest.
• A grenade impact in a room of a house kills everyone in the room regardless of a hit, unless the device clearly fails.
• Grenades are a one-time-use PER MISSION.
• If you find a grenade in the field, please return it to the event staff.
• Defined as: Command detonated, commercially produced Claymores.
• ONLY BB impacts count as a kill.
• NO trip wires are permitted as these can be hazardous to players.
• Mines are a one-time-use PER MISSION.
Blind Man
Blind Man should be called to halt game play when:
• A player loses his/her eye protection.
• Anyone (player or non-players) is seen on the field without eye protection.
• In the event of a serious injury or other medical emergency.
Any player observing any of the above cases is authorized to initiate a Blind Man call. Upon hearing the call, other players should immediately repeat the call and wave their red rags above their head to signal a halt in game play. All players must immediately halt play, sit on the ground, and put their replicas on SAFE. Players will wait until “Game On” is called by Game Control to resume play or until further instructions are given.
Bang-Bang / Safety Kill
If you manage to sneak up on a player or a group of players, have a clear shot and are at a distance of 15’ or less, point your weapon at the opposing player and yell out “BANG-BANG” for EACH player you are attempting to kill (this prevents 1 player from taking out an entire squad by just yelling “bang-bang” once). When you call “bang-bang”, follow up with a short description of the player they are calling out in order to avoid confusion. Again, this is a safety measure and not to be used as a defensive or offensive tactic.
If two or more opposing players become aware of each other at a distance of 15’ or less, they should call “parley” and back off to a safe distance (50 meters). This is to be used as a safety measure only, and not as a defensive or offensive tactic. We are not pirates, but this rule keeps us from becoming one.