Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Hey all BDLasher and me started a MD MERCS on MW3 on PS3. If you wanna join you must be an elite member. Hit me or lasher up. My ID on ps3 is jbfresh73 ... If you wanna join or just be friends on ps3 so we can roll together on MW3.

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This stuff sounds like alot of fun... Too bad my playstation is busted right now or I would be joining you all for all this lol

There is a Clan OP tonight from 9pm to 12am in Core Team Deathmatch. I will be on but only for an hour. Holla at me if your gonna be participating. I think it's 100-90% is gold, 89-80 is silver, and everybody else is bronze. So even if you can only play for a small time that would help. If we get a silver we will jump to level 6.

I'm in, see ya at 9

Whenever I get my ps3 fixed I will be on all these haha

im in Tenessee for the weekend. i'll be on probably tuesday though.

Thanks for playin all. Unfortunatly I could not make it but you walked away with bronze. Great job guys.
There is a clan op today from 4 pm to 7 pm core teamdeathmatch for those interested. Lasher and me will be on.
There is a clan op tonight from 9pm to 12 am.  I will be on and so will Lasher.  It's HC TDM (hardcore team deathmatch) so come and join us and let's go up a level!!
Also there is a lonewolf op from 4-7pm tonite in hardcore kill confirm. Join me and let's kick @ss.

I'll be on.

For those interested I have a schedule of the next 3 clan op's and the next 2 lone wolf op's.
Clan OPs : today 10pm-1am in kill confirm....April 20th 4pm-7pm in team deathmatch....April 21st 5pm-8pm in kill confirm.
Lone Wolf OPs : today 6pm-9pm in Hardcore kill confirm....April 20th 10pm-1am in free for all.

Check this out .. In the clan op's ..for the really late ones, all we need is one point to get a bronze. Thats 250xp for the clan. Only one person is needed to do this. I am gonna try and play like for 15 to 20 mins of the clan op tonight but just in case I don't for some odd reason lets all try to get a couple points but if you can't by all means handle your business but if you can that's cool too.

Big shout out and pretend medal to Jeff for getting 56 points by himself to get a bronze medal for 250 xp to the clan thanks Jeff from mw3 MD Mercs. You are the bomb bro!

I'll do my best to get on tonite but 420 hell yea {:?



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