Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Well just to get some other discussions going on the forum, I was wondering how green or eco-friendly everyone is here?  I do my best to be green but I know theres always more you can do.  Recycle, turn off lights, turn back water heater, etc.  I spread the word as much as I can. 

I was thinking about negating ECA's power usage or whatever with green energy from this company that dose that.  What is everyones opinion on being green and do you think higher of people or buisnesses that are eco consious?

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I drive a 16 mpg jeep 112 miles everyday. It's green.....the color anyways.
It really all depends. Larger companies have been using a business tactic called "Green Washing" in which they display commercials and ads that say that they are a greener company or are planning to go green but they don’t describe why or how. Companies that clean up their image and their buildings just to give the image that they are being "greener" tend to fall into this category. One example of this is McDonalds. In Germany over the last 10 years, McDonalds establishments have been seen as dirty, and unsanitary restaurants. They decided to put in the extra cash to reface and remodel all of their restaurants in Germany in the hopes that people would see that they are trying to be greener. When in fact McDonalds actually does very little to help the environment.

Now if the company is truly being "greener" then yes I think highly of their business. If this is done I would defiantly advertise specifics. Such as ECA has gone green in 2010 by making the following additions: Solar Panels, Water Saving Faucets, Hot water heater blanket, ect. When companies just say things like "Wal-Mart plans to have solar panels on all of their stores' roofs by 2011"...that’s fine but the fact is, they haven’t done it yet so stop trying to

Heh well I guess steve is not very green and yeah McDonalds I didn't think was either, but Walmart actually dose own alot of solar panels I saw it on planet green but they are the ones with the money to do things like that lol. Glad to see two different opinions on the matter.
I install solar hot water & photo vaultaic (elect.) I have not done my house yet ($) but I have changed my bulbs to cfl's , & put a timer on my furnace/boiler. I also unplug everything & have comp. & tv on surge protecters that I turn off when not home.
I would love to go green but I'm too poor for a hybrid vehicle, my wife suffers from hot/cold flashes spurred on by the weather which means the air/heat is constantly runnin and runnin hard because my windows are 30 years old and leak like a sieve, which end result means that I use more energy in a year than Raven's Stadium...but if things were different, yeah, I'd go green. ; )
Well glad to see at least people care, it's just not always economical to do that. But Jeff thats a great job how much do PV pannels go for these days anyway and do you know how many you really need to have no bill? Do you do home battery stations or whatever as well too or do you do that connect it back to the grid stuff?
We hook to the grid / panel box , 2.1kw will spin the average house backwards ! They have come down in price. I manage the install part not the $ end (I like it that way) but if you go to our sales guys could help, tell them you shoot me (Jeff Hopkins) on the weekend, & they'll hook you up. I do know you get about 2/3 back on your $ from tax credits & county $, which makes them more affordable.

Well, if requiring biodegradable bb's for all weights under .30g counts, then yeah, I am a green man.

I pay cash for every thing so does that make me green?

That would be a no and a no to both of you lol...

Well I guess Jesse is kinda green but all bbs are Biodegrateable, just the "BIO" ones take less time to go away, its all really a big scam if you ask me about the BBs

But this thread is for serious green people, those who recycle, conserve energy, promote green technologies, solar pannels, etc. etc. is what I was talking about by being green lol

hahah, I figured, that's just about the only thing, and bio bbs are great because I can make more money on them.... green money :D

Heh yeah at eca we make the same margins regardless of the BB type =P



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