Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Was just wondering if anyone here in the community knows SEO or anything about it.  If we could maybe assemble an SEO team for the site we could really become the best site out there.  Regaurdless if you know SEO or not please post search terms that you would type in to google that would be related to this site.  For examples check my list below.  And for those wondering what SEO is, it stands for Search Engine Optimization, or your google rank pretty much.  The higher up on google you are the more people that see your site.  Ranking well in the following terms should help this site grow very quickly.


1. Maryland Airsoft

2. Airsoft Teams in Maryland

3. Airsoft Fields in Maryland

4. Maryland AIrsoft Fields

5. Maryland Airsoft Teams

6. Airsoft Forums

7. Airsoft Community

8. Airsoft Association

9. Pennsylvania Airsoft

10. Delaware Airsoft


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I don't know squat about SEO, but i have some suggestions for your list of search terms.  You might want to consider using the list you have but duplicated without the state specific identifiers.  Sure, you are likely to get more people bumping into the site that have nothing to do with the local area, but the more traffic, the more exposure, the more word travels, and so on.  Additionally, you might want to add Airsoft Rules, Airsoft Events, and all the team names posted to this site.  Also if there aren't any weird legal issues about using other business names on your search terms (again, I know nothing about that stuff) I'd add to the list any field mentioned in any of the posts on the site, and the names of any local airsoft vendors, fields, indoor arenas, and events by name that are in the area you could reasonably consider local (150 miles).  Just food for thought mano.

Yea i know alot about it actually



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