Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Item Location: Columbia, MD, USA
Ships to: CONUS
Payment methods accepted: PayPal or cash in person only. NO TRADE NO PARTING NO TRADE NO PARTING NO TRADE NO PARTING
Returns: 24hr return accepted after delivery. Return shipping paid by buyer.
Terms: Shipping cost & PayPal fee is NOT included, detailed picture and smaller upgrades will be provided upon inquiry. One (1) magazine and one (1) battery is included. NO OPTIC OR OTHER ACCESSORIES INCLUDED.

Most of airsoft replicas below have more than what I described below each picture. Except for a few being sold in stock condition (because I haven't had a chance to work on them yet), most AEGs have fully upgraded internals and MOSFET+deans. Most upgraded replicas have either prommy/PDI/EDGI/Miracle inner barrel installed. All replicas listed here are fully functional and ready for skirmish. Please don't hesitate to ask me about any missing upgrade on a specific replica. I will keep updating the description to my best knowledge and ability.

 A&K M249 Mk46 Black w/ Polarstar Fusion Engine, Bullgear, Orga WBB: SOLD

 Tokyo Marui Swordfish MP5K w/ Polarstar Fusion Engine, PDI 01 TBB: SOLD

Custom M4 Mk18, Madbull Mk18 RIS, G&P Magpul body, BTC Spectre, Siegetek SSG, Lonex A1, Lonex internals, Prommy 6.03 TBB: SOLD

 Tokyo Marui Swordfish MP5K w/ Wolverine Inferno Gen 2, PDI 01 TBB: SOLD

 Cyma AK74UN w/ Wolverine Inferno Gen 2: $400

VFC SCAR-L two-tone, Lonex A1, Lonex GB, Prowin mod, Madbull TBB: SOLD

Classic Army Stoner LMG w/ Wolverine Inferno Gen 2: SOLD

ICS L86A2 w/ Polarstar Jack: $500

Krytac M4 Mk18, CRB body, Madbull Mk18 RIS, VFC QRS stock: $350

Custom G3 SG-1 RAS w/ PSG-1 furniture & Polarstar Fusion Engine: $550

Toystar Daewoo K2 custom AEG, Lonex complete GB, Lonex A1, Prommy TBB: SOLD

 Tokyo Marui PSG-1 custom w/ Polarstar Fusion Engine, G&G Magnesium Body, PDI chamber block, PDI 05 TBB: SOLD

G&G M14 Veteran, Lonex internals, ASG 28TPA motor, Prommy TBB, M150: N/A

G&G M14 w/ Wolverine Hydra, CA M14 RAS, Bipod: SOLD

Tokyo Marui PSG-1 AEG, V2 converted, Lonex complete GB, Prommy TBB, ASG 28TPA motor: $600

G&P Mk23 Stoner LMG: N/A

G&P Mk23 Stoner LMG weathered edition: SOLD

G&G M14 EBR AEG, Lonex internals, ASG 28TPA motor, M150: SOLD

Classic Army M14 Real Wood, Siegetek, Lonex internals, M150: SOLD

Cyma AK47 contractor, Lonex A2, Lonex internals, Prommy TBB: $250

VFC SCAR-L Black, Prowin mod, Lonex A1, Lonex GB: SOLD

Tokyo Marui AA-12 AEG w/ drum mag: SOLD

Tokyo Marui PSG-1 w/ Polarstar Fusion Engine, PDI Chamber Block: $800

Toystar Daewoo K2 w/ Wolverine Inferno Gen 2: N/A


VFC SCAR-L w/ Wolverine Inferno Gen 2, Prowin mod: SOLD

A&K M249 Para Tan w/ Polarstar Fusion Engine: SOLD

A&K Masada Tan AEG: SOLD

Cyma AK74UN AEG, Lonex compression parts, SHS piston, MOSFET, M120: $300

G&G FN2000 Black w/ Wolverine Hydra, BINGO HPA Kit: $400

G&G FN2000 Tan w/ Wolverine Hydra, BINGO HPA Kit: SOLD

G&P Stubby M4 CQB AEG: $150

Custom G3KA4 AEG, Lonex internals, ASG 28TPA, MOSFET, M150: SOLD

Custom G3SAS AEG: $200

KWA G36C AEG: $200

VFC KAC Stoner PDW w/ Wolverine Inferno Gen 2: N/A

Lonex custom M4 Mk18 AEG, Spectre, Siegetek, Lonex GB, Prommy: SOLD

A&K MG42 w/ Wolverine Inferno Gen 2: $600

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I'm more interested in the HPA M14. I live in Alexandria, would I be able to pay you with Paypal today and head up some time this weekend to pick it up?

Sure! You can do so if it is your preference. My PayPal address is

So $500 for the M14, and would you be available tomorrow for pickup?

I will be in Ellicott City, MD area on Saturday. I could actually come down a little to the midpoint for you, if it helps.

That would be fine. I'll shoot you an email after I send the money with my phone number. We can coordinate meeting from there.

G&G HPA M14 w/ RAS has been SOLD.

TM AA-12 has been SOLD.

I am interested in the Krytac M4 MK18. Has there been anything done to the internals of the gun or any other major mods?

Internal of Krytac Mk18 is currently set up with Lonex compression parts (Cylinder, Cylinder head, Piston head) and Lonex motor.

Ok, I would like to purchase the gun from you, would you be available on saturday to meet up? Im on the Maryland side of DC

Please text me at 202-841-2260 at your earliest convenience. Thanks.

Classic Army Stoner LMG has been SOLD.



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