Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Matt G.'s Comments

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At 7:45pm on November 28, 2021, Larry Duffy said…

I signed up and attempted to download a manual. It took me to a site that required me to enter credit card info, so I did, $1 for 7 days. Then it took me to a site that had me entering my card info again, and again, then I found my self signing up for some fitness program, which I do not want. All I wanted was a service manual. 

I smell SCAM!

At 8:33am on June 15, 2018, Ron Saunders said…

Thanks I will check it out!

At 4:57am on January 21, 2018, Raleigh Ornelas said…
Do you still have the echo 1 Igor?
At 1:26am on November 9, 2017, Ryan Clark said…
Thanks I appreciate the welcome, feels great actually begin apart of a part of a community now.
At 2:05pm on March 6, 2017, keon nickens said…

Long Time No See!!!

At 10:05pm on January 7, 2017, Robert Barrett Jr. said…

Thank you Matt

At 2:43pm on June 2, 2016, John Kovaleski said…

Thanks! My son was having way too much fun with Airsoft so I had to get involved. 

At 7:47pm on February 25, 2016, Demetrius Cavallini said…
Thanks, glad 2 be here. Hope to find out all the good news regarding upcoming battles. OXCC has one coming up in April but no further info yet.
At 12:54am on February 7, 2016, Chip said…

Thanks, happy to be here.

At 10:18pm on January 9, 2016, Alexander DeLooze said…

Thank you

At 11:38pm on December 27, 2015, Levi Lundell said…
Thanks Matt, this will be a great chance to gain some experience and have some fun!
At 11:44pm on December 15, 2015, Kevin Kutlik said…
Hey Matt! Thanks for the warm welcome. I've been on your site pretty much every day over the last two weeks or so. I initially began my research on your site and have branched out to research other sites, but I always end up back on East Coast Airsoft. You can imagine my surprise once I realized that the shop was 3 or 4 miles away!

I am 100% new to this, and may (will) stop in soon. I have a general idea of what I want, but it would be awesome to swing by at some point and get opinions and guidance!
At 2:57am on November 11, 2015, Miguel Orola said…

thanks Matt :v

At 6:45pm on September 21, 2015, Travis Hutton said…

Thank you for the welcome 

At 5:49pm on August 26, 2015, Donald Lee said…

thank you for the warm welcome 

At 12:29pm on June 7, 2015, Steven Byerly said…

Thats ok, me and my friend were unfortunately not able to make it today

At 1:33pm on May 10, 2015, Ross F. said…
Hey, can you bring K120 mags to the SOG op (if you have them) if not I'll just pick up some other mags.
At 6:13pm on March 25, 2015,
Kristy Barno

Hey matt- thank you for sending out the blast, but it said Sunday, and the event is Saturday:(  

At 7:17pm on February 27, 2015, Dante Goodman said…
At 6:11am on February 22, 2015, Anna Aul said…
Thank you


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