At 3:40pm on February 14, 2014, AdminMatt G. said…
Hey I have a support request in, they are not being much help I am not sure what the issue is. They are saying since I didn't create the group Rama did that only he can invite members, but I know thats BS because I invited most if not all of the members in there to it and I invited you all before. Hopefully I can get it worked out, if not I will just make a new group that I am the creator in so we don't have these issues and don't need to have Rama do anything lol
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AdminMatt G. said…
Hey I have a support request in, they are not being much help I am not sure what the issue is. They are saying since I didn't create the group Rama did that only he can invite members, but I know thats BS because I invited most if not all of the members in there to it and I invited you all before. Hopefully I can get it worked out, if not I will just make a new group that I am the creator in so we don't have these issues and don't need to have Rama do anything lol
AdminMatt G. said…
Welcome to the site, thanks for joining!