Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA


Calvary Airsoft

A hardcore group of airsofters that get together twice a month and have immense military simulation battles. These battles are relevant to either History or modern warfare. The biggest points we try to focus on are respect, leadership, and fun. These three core words set us apart from other airsofters. Respect - Call your hits and dont cry about it, respect the other player.
Leadership - no team will be left tangling in the air with now one to lead them, if the team goes without organization or leadership then the team loses even 
before the game starts. Fun - do NOT start screaming your lungs out in front of a recruit because he did not shoot that guy running, instead try laughing! Go shoot him yourself! And have fun, no one likes a miserable airsoft player.

Location: Brandywine Drive, Chadds Ford PA
Members: 3
Latest Activity: May 16, 2012


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