Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Operation Reality Check: Palmetto Overture Webinar Series

With less than 90 days to go until our biggest game of the year...Operation Reality Check: Palmetto Overture takes place December 7 in Barnwell, SC, OP:RC will be holding a webinar question and answer session.

We seem to be receiving a lot of questions asking the same thing about Operation Palmetto Overture. They are good questions and we want to answer them for you as clearly as possible.
In order to do so as quickly and clearly as we can, Operation Reality Check’s Founder, Monty, and other staff members will be hosting a Webinar where you can ask and get answers to your questions quickly and easily.
Spaces are limited to 25 per session, so we will be holding 1 Session on Wednesday October 2nd at 21:00 (9pm) and Saturday October 5th at 20:00 hrs (8pm). The webinar should last approximately 90 minutes but will continue until all questions are answered.
If necessary, we will hold further webinars to assist you all in any way we can.

Please e-mail Monty at with any questions you want answered and we will be sure to cover those at the webinar also.
Please make the Subject line as “Question for Webinar [date you will be attending]”
An e-mail will be returned to you with log on instructions.
Remember spaces are limited so if we can restrictions the meeting to Fire Team Leaders and higher that would be awesome.
There is no one who knows Operation Reality Check better than Monty, so here is your chance to get it straight from the horse’s mouth.
Please check us out on Facebook, Twitter and

September 27, 2013-Friday Focus will be available at 16:00 on our main page!

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