Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Our team has hit that point in their training that they have learned about everything they currently need to learn from inter team vs inter team skirmishes. As such its about time to move on to the full teamwork portion of the training regimen.

As such we are putting out a call to all Individuals, Small Groups, Mercenaries, PMCs, so on who want to come out and play and skirmish all day for free on our 73 acre field in Millsboro. We have no FPS limits, and other then "Stay In Bounds" and "Call Your Hits" we don't really have any rules.

Let me be specific here, we are looking for people to come and form a makeshift team, for us to play against, and in return you get a day of rule free fun on a private field with no strings attached. Come out, meet new people, reconnect with old airsoft buddies, and have fun playing with people who enjoy airsoft as much as you.

If all goes as planned we will have out new CQB "Kill House" built by next weekend, to further expand our flexibility in regards to game play.

Text S.P.E.C.T.R.E. Commander Spike @ (302) 465 - 0284

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