Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Want to play a game that resembles real military operations. Look no further, Airsoft is the answer for you!

The Maryland Airsoft Team is currently seeking players that are interested in joining an airsoft team that performs Military Simulations (MilSim). MAT has been active since March of 2008 and has grown over the past year. We are looking to grow and bring on new interested players.

MAT is an active group of people ranging from ages 13 to Mid-50s, with a wide variety of backgrounds, including people with ROTC and Military backgrounds. MAT participates in games every month whether it is a team scrimmage or a game against another team located in the State of Maryland.

The Central Brigade currently has two fields it uses regularly, one is in Beltsville (Co-op with Eclipse Airsoft) and the other is located in Brandywine, MD. Look forward to seeing you all out there!

MAT is now recruiting in the following counties: Anne Arundel, Caroline, Kent, Howard, Montgomery, Queen Anne’s, Prince George’s Counties, and Washington, DC

If you’d like to learn more about MAT and how we operate please visit our website at or you can email the Brigade Commanding Officer, Shawn Grant at

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Do you guys have a field in central MD if so where is it located?  I might be interested in joining your team/attending games.
We do have a field in Bowie, MD. Colonel Mike Petty, CO of the Central Brigade and I will be visiting the location soon to evaluate it and see what we can do with it. I will keep everyone posted on the progress.
Sounds great!



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