Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

I have one simple question that has been dogging me ever since I started looking into airsoft. Why is there never any tactical apparel for the plus size players? I have tried shopping online and in store, and it all comes up the same. Chest rigs, plate carriers, molle vests, pants, etc. all disappears faster than retailers can put them on the shelves (at least in the sizes that I need). So my question to the greater Delmarva and PA area is where the hell can I get some decent gear that fits. (and hopefully won't burn a hole in my wallet)

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When you say "plus size," do you mean muscular or obese? Many size L plate carriers, etc. can be adjusted to fit most muscular builds. Unless you are competing as an international bodybuilder, size L and size XL can usually be found.

If you mean by obese, then you will have a much harder time finding items. Most tactical gear is created for physically fit males, so the shape and ergonomics tend to accommodate a large, muscular frame rather than an obese one.

You may need to purchase some real steel gear. Check out SKDTactical, OPTactical, BotachTactical, and LAPoliceGear for some good quality real steel gear. They usually have a fair amount of sizes in stock.

Despite that I have already found some of the afore-mentioned gear. I was mainly referring to guys who's bone and muscle structures exceed 50 inches around the breast plate, and around 40-44 inches around the hips and waist. Believe it or not there are those of us who are oddities of nature as far as size and stature go.



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