Looking to downsize a little bit. Here's what I got for sale.
KWA MK-23 GBB Pistol
Comes with one mag and original box
Asking $100
Side mounted rail with red dot optic and custom metal triangular folding stock. Comes with 5 mags. Make me a fair offer and we'll talk. Least I can say is no.
KJ Works M4 GBBR
Aftermarket rail system, custom installed extended inner barrel with suppressor, ACOG style 4x optic. The Magpul stock, pistol grip, and AFG foregrip are not included, but I will re-install the original stock and grip. Surefire light also not included, unless you make a good offer on it. Comes with 7 mags, although 2 need repair. Make me a fair offer. Least I can say is no.
I only posted pics of the M4, but if there is any interest I'll post pics of the others as well. If you are interested in more than one, we can probably make a deal.