Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

East Coast Airsoft Store - Coming To Bel Air May 2012!!!

1318 E. Churchville Rd. (Rt 22)

Bel Air, MD 21014

(410) 838-6856

Grand Opening May 1, 2012!!!

Well thats right guys, I know I have been talking about this for some time now but its finally gonna happen.  We got a store on Rt. 22 / Churchville Rd. in Bel Air.  We get in the building to start setting up and everything April 1st so things will be moving very quickly for this.  I am so excited for this and so should all of you.  An awesome airsoft store stocked with a ton of awesome stuff right here in an easy to get to location!  We are going to have a big party for opening day, have a BBQ and probably some giveaways and raffles.  It's going to be a great time, when I get the exact details and information I will post up and official event on here.  I hope all of you can make it and I hope all of you will become happy East Coast Airsoft customers!

In the mean time, what are some things you all like to see in an airsoft shop, more rifles, pistols or maybe shotguns or accessories?  What is the kind of thing you want to see most in the shop and I will do what I can to make sure we open with the best selection catered to all of you on here since this is where everyone from the local area is. So please give us your feedback, without it and all of you we couldn't have made this happen!  Again thanks for the support and I hope to see you at our new retail outlet soon. 

More updates coming soon!


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Matt need to get some of EVERYTHING! def more optics, uniforms (Proper or truspec), plate carriers, pouches, accessories, mags, batteries, you got plenty of bbs =p, higher up gun makes, and all that good stuff. =)

Which companies optics do you all prefer NCstar or Leapers?

multicam gear, at a decent price would be awesome.

I prefer Leapers but i like both, and multicam would be nice and finally get more tactical gear

Tac Gear in ACU



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