Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

"Hey guys, I am the founder of a local airsoft community called Chesapeake Airsoft Association and we are looking to expand and build our local airsoft community in the Mid-Atlantic region. The basis for the association is for fields and arenas to be able to post their events, and for local players to be able to have 1 place to go to find a game in their area. People can also create team groups, and recruit players for there team, along with posting videos and pictures among other things.
My goal is to get a large banner for all of the local fields in the area. These banners are designed already, and will cost roughly $60 each. We have at least 10 fields/arenas in the area that I would like to see these in, but I am sure there are a ton more.
So what I was thinking is using crowd funding to be able to produce these banners, and more cool patches, maybe t-shirts and such too if we are capable.
But my question to you all is do you think people would be interested in being a part of crowd funding this idea, and since there are so many different crowd funding sites out there, which one would best suit my needs?
Any helpful feedback or constructive criticism would be appreciated. Thanks for your time and input in advance!
If you are interested in checking out the website to see what we are about, and what we are trying to become the website is"


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