Greetings fellow players! I have joined your boards here for two reasons. The first of which is I want all of you to know about the upcoming event we at Blacksheep Milsim are hosting near your neck of the woods. It is running Sept 21-23 in Gore, Virginia.
Second, we are starting an organization to protect airsofters from ourselves. It is called the NAA, National Airsoft Association, and we are looking for volunteers from each state to represent their home state in a Senate. We are in the infancy of the Association, but after what almost happened this past spring in California we are looking to regulate ourselves before big brother decides to do it for us.
If anyone here is interested and wants some more information please feel free to contact me at
Who Runs these events?
Operation Blacksheep is carefully designed by retired U.S. Army Infantry Major John Bucciarelli. He is the author of the MILSIM Tactics Manual and the MILSIM MOUT Manual and since his retirement has been teaching combat effectiveness and preparedness to committed players nationwide. His devotion to the sport is manifested in his training programs and in the attention to detail required to effectively simulate real tactical operations. He has designed a number of successful and popular training events and event series since he began investing in his passion for the sport. A leader in every sense of the term, Major Bucciarelli is dedicated to generating the highest quality of competitive airsoft.
This is a 21 hour, force-on-force, objective oriented, continuous combat simulation at The Cove Campground in Gore, Virginia. This unique piece of terrain has been used by the United States Marine Corps, SEAL Team 6, the United States Army and the Central Intelligence Agency in preparations for deployments worldwide.
The most important thing that makes this event safe is the Cadre. These folks are US Army combat veterans who have been there, done it and used the t-shirt to clean up the mess – listen to them. I wouldn’t conduct this event without them.
Company Commanders (CO) for each side: Retired US Army Infantry
Company Executive Officers (XO) for each side: Seasoned/mature airsoft player
First Sergeants (1SG) for each side: Retired US Army Infantry
Platoon TACs (Trainer/Advisor/Coach) (one per platoon): Retired US Army Infantry. Platoon TACs (Trainer/Advisor/Coach) will be responsible for tactical training, guidance and mentoring of squads, tactical employment of squads and communication between squads and company leadership. Platoon TACs (Trainer/Advisor/Coach) will be responsible for five squads each. Anyone interested in filling a Platoon TAC (Trainer/Advisor/Coach) position must contact Blacksheep6.
Range Safety Officer: Local liaison to the community and completely familiar with the terrain.
Observer/Controllers (OC) (6+): Retired US Army Infantry.
1. Date: 21 – 23 September 2012
2. Location: The Cove Campground, Gore, Virginia
3. Scenario: Operation Blacksheep is a force on force, objective oriented, 21 hour continuous tactical simulation
4. Age Restriction: must be 18+
5. Citizenship: Open to an international audience. Non US citizens must meet applicable requirements for travel to the United States
6. Magazine Restriction: mid-cap only
7. Pellet Restriction: biodegradable only
8. Uniforms:
a) Company A (GREEN) will be in OD/Green Fatigues, Battle Dress Uniform (BDU), Woodland MARPAT, Woodland CADPAT, Woodland DPM, ATAC-FG & ACU. The PCU jacket is considered part of the ACU.
b) Company B (TAN) will be in Tan/Coyote Brown Fatigues, Desert Camouflage Uniform (DCU), Desert MARPAT, Arid CADPAT, Arid DDPM & Desert A-TACS.
c) International players are authorized to wear the uniforms of their Armed Forces that are destinctly green in pattern for A Company or destinctly tan in pattern for B Company.
9. Security: All participants must pre-register.
10. Game size: Up to 1,200 player positions
11. Sign-up: Is open. Registration closes – 9 September 2012
12. Payment:
a) Payment in full due upon registration.
b) This is a team oriented event. No refunds – if you can’t make it to the event, then your squad needs to find a replacement and that replacement needs to pay you.
c) NO REFUNDS will be given – players will receive a credit towards the rescheduled event or a follow-on event.
13. Cost:
A pathfinder is a paratrooper who is inserted or dropped into place in order to set up and operate drop zones, pickup zones, and helicopter landing sites for airborne operations, air resupply operations, or other air operations in support of the ground unit commander.
Do not miss this opportunity to become an Operation Blacksheep @ The Cove Pathfinder. Everyone will pay the Pathfinder price for this first event and will continue to pay that price throughout the life of this series – that’s a 25% saving forever.
$150 Blacksheep Pathfinder price
Normal price structure will resume for Operation Blacksheep @ The Cove II.
$30 event fee payable to The Cove at the door. The Cove will collect this fee when you sign in at the gate to the campground.
$30 optional meal plan. Meal plan covers breakfast Saturday morning, lunch Saturday afternoon and lunch Sunday afternoon.
$50 optional Air Assault fee. My plan is to incorporate helicopters into the tactical play. This is a team based option where an entire squad will conduct an air assault mission. Standby for more information.
14. OPP Pathfinders:
OPP Pathfinders are those brave airsofters that attended Operation Pine Plains I in November 2008. Their significant leap of faith changed airsoft/MILSIM forever. OPP Pathfinders will always hold a special place in my heart, mind and any game that I produce.
$100 OPP Pathfinder price
Friday 0800 – 1200 Game Staff Set Up
Friday 1200 – 1900 Registration & Chrono
Friday 1900 – 2400 Assembly Area (AA) Operations – Dinner on your own.
Friday 2100 – 2200 Mission/Safety Briefing Mission/Safety Briefing (Camp VI) – Squad Leaders and above
Saturday 0000 – 0700 AA Operations Saturday 0700 – 0800 Breakfast (optional meal plan)
Saturday 0800 – 1130 Commander’s Time
Saturday 1130 – 1230 Lunch (optional meal plan) Mandatory Command Group Working Lunch For Squad Leaders and above
Saturday 1230 – 1300 Gear up and final preparations
Saturday 1300 – 1400 Formation & final safety check (OCs will move units into starting positions starting at 1345)
Saturday 1400 – 2400 Operation Blacksheep (The Cove)
Sunday 0000 – 1100 Operation Blacksheep (The Cove)
Sunday 1100 – 1200 Formation & Policing
Sunday 1200 – 1300 Formation & Results – Lunch (optional meal plan)
Sunday 1300 – UC Clean up & campground clearance
Sunday 1300 – UC Departure & travel Camp site is available Sunday from 1300-1800 night for those who wish to stay and rest. All must depart the campground by 1800 on Sunday.
Can't wait! The Wolverines will be there!
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