Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Clear your calendars for Sunday April 3rd. SOG is planning another gathering/mini op. If you haven't been to this field you are missing out. It's one of, if not THE premier field in Maryland. Little details are available at the moment, but trust me, it's guaranteed to be an exciting day of combat. If you enjoy milsim style of games, in a heavily wooded area, this is the place to be. I'm talking 130 acres of hills, trenches, rivers, hills, streams, fallen trees, hills, buildings, bunkers, hills, and a giant triangle made of sticks.
I'll post more as the information is given.
Infinity Airsoft Team

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Was just informed they are looking at 70-100 shooters for this. With 7 teams being involved. ;)


The object of the mini-op is that each visiting team is a "clan", whose goal it is to make the best trades, and peace accords at the annual meeting of the clans.

Thus, the morning will be spent by the visiting "clans" in gathering food, water, ammo, and "special" items to trade at the market. Some special items will be easy to figure out; others... well, not so much. Each item will have a point value. Some things are worth more than others. Not everything and it's value will be announced. (evil laugh)

During this time, since SOG is familiar with the field, and to eliminate any feelings that there may be an unfair advantage due to... whatever, SOG squads will not be competing for the same points (per se). All SOG squads will be the "Raiders". Points will be awarded to SOG squads only for confirmed hits. Confirmed hits are where at least two people (can be the shooter and the shot) witness the hit that either "kills" an opponent, or makes the opponent get a card out. There will be a winner from the friends of SOG, and a winner among the SOG squads.

The job of the raiders is to keep visiting clans from taking the food, water, and ammo stashes from the forest. (After all, the stashes were made by the raiders in the first place!) Once the raiders have successfully stolen back the stashes, they will again hide the goodies somewhere else.

Each clan will have a "clan tag", which must be worn around the neck, or on the person of the "clan leader". If for ANY reason this is lost, and not found again by the time that points are tallied at lunch it is an automatic deduction of 100 points from the clan's score. If a clan has more than one clan tag in their posession at lunch, well, then you guessed it, they GET 100 points. The only way that one clan can take a tag from another clan is if the whole clan gets "killed". If your whole clan is either dead, or wounded, and unhealable, the clan tag belongs to the clan that knocked you out. Fork it over!

About getting hit: Each person will be given three cards. They will be in a sealed envelope. When you are hit (anywhere on your gear or body except your gun) you must call "hit!". Pull out your envelope and draw a card. The instructions will tell you what to do. You cannot be "hit" again while getting out your card. Each card may be used only once, at which point it must be stowed until it is returned to base camp. If you are "dead" as a result of the card's instructions, immediately pull out your red rag as soon as you "die" and head back to base camp. Some of the cards do not cause "death", but just injury. If your card is a wound card, follow the instructions. Each clan will have two medics. Each card may be different, but many of them require 30 seconds with a medic. During this time, neither the medic nor the wounded may fight. If either medic or wounded are hit during the time required to heal, another card must be drawn. If at any time you run out of cards, then you are "dead". If both medics are either dead or wounded, then tough luck! No one gets healed. The only way to "heal" your wounded is with a medic. Wounded medics cannot heal anyone, including themselves. Most cards have a "bleed out rule" which is printed on the card. Some cards specify right on the card that if you cannot be healed within 10 minutes, you "bleed out". If you bleed out, head back to camp. You are dead.

As with everything true good airsoft, the honor system rules. We are all big boys and girls, so there will be no referees. All scores and actions will rely on honorable conduct. If anyone cheats, they will have to lie awake at night knowing that they well and truly suck a big fat one.

At 1300 hours, all teams should be back at SOG base camp. Points will be tallied for all of the goodies found out in the forest. The team that has the most points will not only eat first, but will have a choice of sides in the afternoon games.

The afternoon:

Lunch will be over at 1400 hours. Thee will be a couple of objective based games. These will be timed, and have a definite start and end point. Search and rescue, VIP, etc... The rules will be announced before each game.

Additionally, throughout the day there will be random encounters with odd folk from the area. It will be up to each clan to decide what to do. Maybe these people can be traded with, maybe they have information. Maybe they are just complete lunatics. You'll have to decide for yourselves.

Good luck. The Spark forest is a dangerous place, and even very brave warriors sometimes get lost in the depths of the woodland.

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Im in.



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