Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Clear your calendars for Sunday April 3rd. SOG is planning another gathering/mini op. If you haven't been to this field you are missing out. It's one of, if not THE premier field in Maryland. Little details are available at the moment, but trust me, it's guaranteed to be an exciting day of combat. If you enjoy milsim style of games, in a heavily wooded area, this is the place to be. I'm talking 130 acres of hills, trenches, rivers, hills, streams, fallen trees, hills, buildings, bunkers, hills, and a giant triangle made of sticks.
I'll post more as the information is given.
Infinity Airsoft Team

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sounds like fun il definitely try and make it
Ok so DOW is planning on attending this event. Not sure how many from their crew will be going.
And what do y'all think about having a swap meet setup at the event. I know some people have things they would like to get sold, and this may be a good chance to do such. If enough people feel like it's a good idea I'll swing it by SOG an see what they think.
Count me in.  This year I plan on making it to as many games as possible.  Getting patches kinda makes ya wanna strut your sh@t to as many as you can get no homo.
Speaking of patches, I wonder if Matt ever got those CAA patches made....
Correction, the date is Sunday April 3rd. Ill see if I can change the date in the topic when I get home.

I will prob come to this game as long as it's free idk about paying to play other places then OA lol, but I guess if the team goes im in either way.  And I have not got the CAA patches made yet I sent the details to butler patches I think I just need to send them the payment to get it started.  I will see whats going on with that.


As for a swap thing well im always down I have a TON of used and brand new stuff I'd love to sell haha

I understand where your coming from Matt. But I can guarantee it's gonna be @20$. Which will include lunch. They put on a good event.
And I would be willing to pay-pal you in advance for those patches. Especially if they can get here by April 2nd. Let me know what's up.
Last big op they had, OpFor was there with their wares, not sure how well they did sales wise, but I bought 60$ worth of stuff from them. Maybe we can work something out with SOG.
And if you are coming to Rama's tomorrow, can you bring me a propane adapter. Please. ;)
Well that sounds like alot of fun, and I will have a propane adpater with me for you, as well as some smoke grenades & BB's and some stuff to give away.
and as for the patches I can pay for them I just have to check the status I will figure that out before the game and let you know when we will be getting them in
Sounds awesome! I'll send a link of this to the RFA (my team) forum.
count me in
Can you give an address? I want to make sure I'm not to far away.



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