Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

This would be for a game at my place in Finksburg, md. Date is TBD but probably mid March

So i want to have an event that has a longer, timed game. I'll post what i've thought of so far here, and please give some feedback if your trying to play.

We divide into two teams and each have a home base, far apart. 

Everything from the barn down to the woods would be in bounds.(very large for those who havent been (ill post a google satellite picture soon.)

Id print out maps of the area for each team. with the property divided into "zones"

Players have unlimited respawns

The idea is to have the most "points" when the timer runs out, with many different ways to be awarded points. i figure the game will be 2 hours or so.

There will be Six (ish) wooden stakes in the ground with two flags attatched to them. These are respawn bases. The idea is each team fights to keep their flag flying at these bases. You can respawn there, and when the timer runs out, points are given based on who controls each one.If your team has none, you can always respawn at your home base.

There will be a paper and sharpie at each respawn base and home base, and each time you respawn you sign your name, this way we can get death counts for each teams and award points at the end based on that.

Other possible objectives

-Capture an enemy player and escort them back to your home base (then release them) - Point reward

-Get a landmine kill - point reward

-Each Home base will have a random code written on it (just something dumb like "kiem53h2") and it will be worth a point to recover the enemy code.

-Have a medic pack hidden for each team somewhere in the field (have a roll of tape and such in it) after that the team can use a medic. 

-Could also have a few simple flags to capture for points.

These next ones i want to be like 'Events' that a moderator would let the teams know about. They would happen at times unknown to the players, to keep it exciting and all of us on our toes.

Downed pilot- one team gets told they have a pilot down in zone "x", the other team gets told an enemy plane was shot down there, go capture any survivors. (the down pilot can be a mannequin placed by the moderator) - Point reward.

Destroy structure- one team gets instructions to 'plant the bomb' in the enemy base or something similar, the other team gets a tip to defend. - points awarded accordingly.

Definitely open for suggestion, especially for "events", because i figure if we do two per game, the moderator (most likely my mom) can draw two at random so no one will know beforehand whats going to happen. 

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The downed pilot should be someone with a pistol, just like a real downed pilot. At that point the pilot doesn't know who is approaching friendly or enemy, and has to also defend him/herself till that is established.

thats exactly how we usually play that game as a stand alone scenario, i only say we use a stand in that way no team has to give up a player, or someone has to wait to play. But i'm definitely open to suggestion, thanks for the input man.

Sounds like it could be alot of fun, as long as you had enough players to make it work.



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