Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Slain came on SOG Forums and told us about your new site and so I figured I'd go right ahead and join in. Always glad to meet peeps who enjoy airsofting! I currently am a regular walk-on with SOG at their field with my son, Jackal. They are a great bunch of guys that are dedicated to each other and their sport (or whatever you may call it). They meet weekly, through rain, sleet, or snow. You can check out their forums here:


Have been playing for a couple years now, and tho I can't run through the woods like the youngsters, I still get to objectives....just a little later. :)  Would eventually like to see all the local enthusiasts, and relatively local get together for a huge game, where we can all meet, compete, and perhaps see if there was a way to do some events cooperatively. All it takes is a little elbow grease and cooperation.


Look forward to enjoying the new site, and wish you guys a great start!

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Glad to see you stopped by. I have played with you and your son before, and you keep up just fine. lol. Getting people together who have a common passion is what this site is all about. Hopefully with more and more people participating we can organize larger events easier.

This goes for everyone, but if you have any suggestions, feel free to post them. This is still a VERY new site and we are looking to make it easier, and more efficient for users.

Thanks again to you, and everyone from SOG that have stopped by recently to sign up and post comments.
Welcome to the site!!!
Thank you guys very much for the warm welcome and hopefully we'll see you out at the field again soon!
Welcome to the site, thanks alot for joining!



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