Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Restore Muddy Lane Bridge in Elkton

Event Details

Restore Muddy Lane Bridge in Elkton

Time: June 30, 2017 to August 31, 2017
Location: GoFundMe - Accepting Donations
City/Town: Elkton, Maryland
Website or Map:…
Event Type: roadway, rehabilitation, project
Organized By: Jay
Latest Activity: Jun 30, 2017

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Event Description

Restore Muddy Lane Bridge in Elkton

Elkton, Maryland Roadway Rehabilitation Project

Tired of sitting on the sidelines and watching graffiti spread all over your city? Now is your chance to fight back! Now is your chance to be part of the solution! You can be directly involved with eliminating hate filled messages with your donations.

The Problem

Muddy Lane, once a scenic roadway between Interstate-95 and Red Hill Road, currently stands as a littered and vandalized roadway that continues to degrade. The railway bridge that extends over Muddy Lane is covered in hateful graffiti and the drainage ditches are filled with discarded trash. 

Cecil County Public Works and CSX Corporation have no plans or budget to correct the problem, despite receiving consistent messages from the town of Elkton, Cecil County, the Cecil Whig and myself informing them of the problem and urging them to address it. That being said, I am taking matters into my own hands.  

The Project 

The money raised here will go towards the supplies needed to remove or cover up the vandalism on and under the bridge. The bridge used to be owned by CSX Corporation until recently when ownership was transferred to Amtrak. I have made contact with Amtrak and Amtrak PD  in order to perform the clean-up safely and responsibly. 

In addition, the raised donations will fund a volunteer trash clean up event that will remove a large amount of discarded trash from the side of the roadway.  

Please help us make this a reality by donating to this cause.

It’s time to take back your city, Elkton, Maryland!


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