Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

 So I have a KJW G23 and its about 2-3 years old and it has always worked fine but now I'm having some problems. The first issue is that the slide gets stuck right in between all the way forward and all the way back. So I completely disassembled the slide, and it seems the air nozzle was getting stuck. I took apart the nozzle assembly and lubed it up and the nozzle was sliding fine...Untill I put it back in the slide, and now its doing it again. I can't find just that part for sale anywhere and to buy a whole new slide its $50. If I have to i will buy the new slide but I thought maybe someone would have an idea.

Here is the link to my video,


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wd40 as a temp fix try to take of the slide and grease it with it then try if it doesn't work it might be catching in the main part of the gun not the slide.



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