Hey everyone,
been looking for a way to give airsoft a little more depth so ive been working on this kind of LARP system for airsoft.
eventually i want it to have countries and a game board. with people fighting for territories and such.
anyway, i'm looking for some feedback on the ideas i have fleshed out so far. And in roughly the next month im going to be looking for some people to help me play test the "classes".
I'm trying to use classes to make people think more like a team, everyone is valuable in different ways this way.
its obviously a work in progress, so any ideas are welcome
thanks in advance,
Everyone starts with a primary weapon, stripped down. No extra mags, no optics, grips, or launchers. No special coloration or tape on the weapon.
Players will make a character and pick a class. These characters will be used over all events. Players may switch characters but gear is not transferable (you’ll have to start your gear/level over). Players may have more than one character.
Players will be able to earn “money” in game, which can be taken to a “Technician” (game representative) to upgrade your weapon or self.
The PLAYER must provide all physical upgrades, you are merely purchasing the services of the “Tech” to attach your gear.
(This is so that everyone starts on equal footing when you begin the game. I think it will provide incentive to complete objectives in game, and make for interesting character builds.)
Hit System
Instead of a typical one-hit system used in most games, we’ll use one similar to darkon.
Players have 4 basic levels of health.
“Healthy” - Have taken no shots
“Wounded” - Have taken a shot to a limb, use of that limb restricted
“Dying” - Must fall to the ground where hit. May only call “MEDIC” CANNOT SHOOT.
“Dead” - self explanatory. Go back to respawn point, or wait for a new game in a safe area.
Note: you CAN be “wounded” in multiple limbs without being considered “dying”
Shot in either arm- Must drop that arm to your side, cannot hold or use weapons with it. Considered “Wounded”
Shot in “Wounded” arm- considered “dying”
Shot in either leg- Must drag the hit leg. CANNOT put much weight on it (no ladders, steep hills, so on) CANNOT RUN. Considered “Wounded”
Shot in “wounded” leg- Considered “Dying”
Shot in chest, stomach, or back- Considered “Dying”
Shot in neck or head- Considered “Dead”
(that might look like a lot of rules, but its really simple. twice in arm or leg, go down. once in chest, back or head, go down.)
Weapon Types-
Assault Weapon- Any Fully automatic AEG or gas powered gun, with a length greater than ___.
Sub Machine gun- Any full auto AEG or gas powered gun with a length under ___.
Sniper Rifle- Any rifle, (spring, AEG, or gas powered) that is in excess of ___FPS. (if youre using an AEG in this way, there is an ammo per mag limit of ___, and you may ONLY use single fire.) These airsoft guns are significantly more powerful than the others, so players who use them will be asked to pass a “range test”
Side-arm- secondary gun. overall length must be under ___. May be semi or full auto.
Civi Guns- Weapons that don't really fall into any of the other categories. Single fire rifles under the fps limit for sniper rifles would fall into this, as would shotguns.
Grenades- HAND GRENADES will be represented by bean bags(or stress balls?) and will be provided and must be “purchased” in game. hand grenades are impact activated and as such, go off wherever they land. If a hand grenade hits you ANYWHERE or lands within 2 feet of you(one arms reach), you are “Dead”.
Grenade launcher- any shell based, gas powered grenades. These affect you the same as grenades, if you’re hit, you’re “Dead”
Mines- Any trip mine, land mine, or claymore. These affect you the same as grenades, if you’re hit, you’re “Dead”
did i miss anything? i have to chrono and measure some guns before i fill those blanks in. you get the idea though.
Classes would likely work on a level or rank system. that being said, these are ideas for the classes in general. the actual progression of skills will be figured out later.
Tank- Features: Bulletproof chest and head. CANNOT RUN OR GO PRONE. (Must have a full face mask and some kind of chest protector, armored vest, or something of the like.)
Weapon restrictions:
Can’t use sniper rifles or Mines.
They CANNOT use HAND GRENADES but may use shell grenades in a launcher.
Special abilities:
Medic- Features: The medic must have a medics bag. In the medic bag you’ll have pieces of fabric for healing.
Weapon Restrictions:
Can ONLY use Sub-machine guns, Side-arms, Civi guns, and HAND grenades.
Special abilities: Adrenaline shot- can heal a “wounded” limb. CANNOT USE ON SELF.
First aid- can heal a “Dying” ally. Must have two healthy arms to
(maybe another ability where you can have an ally heal a “wounded”
limb of yours)
Weapon restrictions: Can use anything except sniper rifles or mines.
Special abilities: Can carry as much ammo as they want.
Can “help” a “dying” ally. as long as theyre touching, the “Dying” player
may walk next to the soldier. If the “dying” person is shot while walking,
they are now “dead”
Engineer- Weapon restrictions: The engineer can use everything EXCEPT sniper rifles and HAND grenades.
Special abilities: Vehicle repair: can get damaged vehicles up and running.
Infiltrator- Weapon restrictions: The Infiltrator can use Sniper rifles, side arms, HAND grenades, and MINES.
Special abilities: During arranged battles, the infiltrators get time before the match to set up in the battlefield.