Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Event Details

Operation SeaLion

Time: June 17, 2012 from 7am to 5pm
Location: Paintball Adventure Park, Taneytown, MD
Street: 3939 Old Taneytown Road
City/Town: Taneytown, MD
Website or Map: http://www.insanityproduction…
Event Type: airsoft, op, milsim
Organized By: Insanity Productions
Latest Activity: Jun 18, 2012

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Event Description

Insanity Productions: Airsoft Operation SeaLion

Online registration closes Wednesday 6/13/20102 at midnight!

In the early morning hours of September 15, 1940, Prime Minister Winston Churchill was hastily awakened to receive the much anticipated and greatly feared news: The German Army had begun a seaborne assault against the British coastline with support from the Luftwaffe and paratrooper forces. The month before, the German Luftwaffe (Air Force) began its expected air assault against Great Britain when Churchill refused to negotiate with Adolf Hitler after England's ally France surrendered. As the first German boats approached England’s coastline in the darkness, the British spotlights illuminated them and tracer rounds crossed the beach. The decision point had arrived. Would Germany conquer the last remaining free nation in Europe?

This game will start with Beach Assault by the Germans, a unique mission that is some of the most intense airsoft that you'll experience!  For the first hour of the game, the German side must establish a beachhead and until they do this, the Germans will be without the benefit of a Command Post. After the invasion, they will have the opportunity to select one from areas they control on the field. Do you have what it takes to storm the beach and establish a foothold? Maybe you want to defend the British homeland and repel the German invasion. Either way, you will have a great time as you relive history, not just read about it!
PAINTBALL ADVENTURE PARK (PAP) boasts an on-site pro shop, food vendor, power for chargers, and a centrally located staging area.

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Field Owner
Comment by Rama on January 25, 2012 at 12:28pm
Me and lasher was talking about this. Do what we did at airsoftcon get a room and beers and play then party time. What you think Matt.

Comment by Matt G. on January 8, 2012 at 5:30pm

Glad to see more fields in Maryland hosting events!

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