Time: July 9, 2011 from 9am to 4pm
Location: Outdoor Xtreme Chesapeake City
Street: 2941 Old Telegraph Road
City/Town: Chesapeake City, MD 21915
Website or Map: http://oxcc.com/index.php?opt…
Phone: 410-885-5555
Event Type: fundraiser
Organized By: Airosft @ UMD & OXCC
Latest Activity: Jul 10, 2011
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Russia (Tan) vs. Poland (Green)
Russia: DCU (3 color tan), DBDU (5 color tan), Digital Desert, Multicam
Poland: Woodland, MARPAT, Flecktarn, VN Tigerstripe, CADPAT
Approved Colors - Tan/Black for Russia, Green for Poland.
Players MUST have full camo or 50% camo 50% approved color.
Here is the revised medic rule. Had to revise slightly for insurance
policy. There will be no touching between players, if you want to move a
friendly then ask then to move with you and you must stay within arms
reach while moving. Neither player may fire while moving.
6) The
“MEDIC RULE” will be used to maintain unit integrity, provide a fluid
tactical scenario and reinforce squad tactical fire and maneuver. Squads
will remain together throughout this Operation:
a) Each squad
will have two medics designated. Medic role may be transferred from one
“LIVE” player to another “LIVE” player at the discretion of the Squad
b) When a player is “hit”, a medic can regenerate the
“wounded” player by holding the wounded player for one full minute,
during this time neither player is allowed to fire. A player may move a
wounded player by asking them to move, no touching is permitted, and
moving to a cover area, neither player may fire and any player can move
another WILLING player, not only medics. If a medic is “hit”, another
medic can regenerate the “wounded” medic. A player may NOT regenerate
another player. If both medics in a squad are hit, then the squad must
withdraw to the command post or get a medic from another squad to
regenerate the wounded medic.
Objective-based scenarios which earn in-game advantages for your team. Mortars, Airstrikes, Medkits, Intel. Reinforcements, Troop Drops, Raffle Prizes available. You must be present to win.
$35.00 Entry
NO Walk-Ons. Age 16+, 200 Player Maximum
Thanks to everyone for coming out in support of the University of Maryland's airsoft team. A special thanks to Ben, Jeff, & Jordan from Vanguard airsoft team, Chris Berry and CJField for all that you did for this event!
As always if any one has any comments, suggestions or concerns about this, or any other event, please feel free to contact me via email at Lin@oxcc.com
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