Chesapeake Airsoft Association

Uniting the airsoft community in Maryland, DE, PA, NJ & VA

Hey there guys and gals! I know it's been quite some time since our last e-mail update but there are some new things happening in CAA and we want to let you know about them!

First off we have added some new areas to the website. We now have a Buy/Sell link at the top of the website to make it easier for members to post their items for sale as well as look at all the items others are selling. Also, we have created a reviews section for everyone to review their favorite guns.



Additionally we would like to get your feedback on the website and know what we can do better. We want to do what you guys want to make it a more active and good resource for everyone to be able to use. If you could we ask that you take our survey and post some things we could improve on or maybe new ideas we could implement on the website. With your help we can make our community even better then it already is!


To help people find game ideas that everyone can understand and know what they mean across the board we have added a scenarios area where you can post scenario ideas as well as read up on some cool ideas to try out at your next event.


As always, we always encourage field owners to post their events in the events section. Since the main reason people come to the website is to find games this is great for anyone looking to boost their numbers.


We hope to see you on the site or at a game soon! Thanks for your time and continued patience while we strive to make the website a better place for everyone!

Over & Out,
-Matt G.

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